Cole Giordano
Brooklyn, NY

I typically photograph skateboarding, outdoor lifestyle, and environmental portraiture. So, normally I’m outside on location, running around and skating in the streets and hectic environments. Being forced to stay in and at my desk has been a big challenge, especially to stay productive and shooting.
Fortunately, my apartment is blessed with beautiful afternoon light, and an upside to all this has been looking across the room and seeing my girlfriend, normally at her office, hard at work from her makeshift desk at our table (sometimes the couch), bathed in that light.
This is more or less my view each day, and I’ve begun to capture it, noting the subtle shifts in light, and her positioning and body language as time goes on.
This was done sneakily without her knowledge before, but that cat is out of the bag now. So we’ll see how successful I can be moving forward.
- Cole
This was done sneakily without her knowledge before, but that cat is out of the bag now. So we’ll see how successful I can be moving forward.
- Cole