Anthony Pappalardo
Brooklyn, NY

The closest I've come to drawing in the last ten years has been a brief stint making collages out of World War II propaganda magazines and doodling during annoying work meetings. This wouldn't be a big deal if I didn't go to college for fine art and design to learn how to do it. When the COVID-19 lockdown started becoming a reality, I went to my local art store to buy supplies instead of hoarding shit. Someone smart who probably listens to podcasts told me that drawing first thing in the morning is good for your mind, so I thought that would be the first new addition to my Quarantine Routine®.
Surprisingly, Episode One of “Daily Drawings” went well. My hand felt steady and my brain felt warm. I drew the ugly condo with interesting colors behind my apartment, then the next four or five drawings were awful.
Surprisingly, Episode One of “Daily Drawings” went well. My hand felt steady and my brain felt warm. I drew the ugly condo with interesting colors behind my apartment, then the next four or five drawings were awful.
I quickly remembered that most of the visual art I've made has been flat, so I didn't fight it and just embraced my 2D tendencies. These are just sketches and not some melancholy diary of a pandemic. Some of them work, others have parts that are nice. What's most important is that they revisit a part of my head I don't dislike - between chugging water, pacing on phonecalls, ignoring the House Party app, and most importantly, mastering the art of being patient. In fact, that's really the only "art" in these pictures of pictures.
- Anthony
- Anthony
Chase Doerflinger
Austin, Texas

It’s wild man. Kinda fearful for Vivian. Her daycare closed and we are playing with her outside away from everyone as much as possible. Cleaning everything all the time. It’s exhausting. We built that light tunnel to try and “keep it fresh” for her little developing brain. We are first time parents so I know we may be over worried. I’ve been really wanting to make a book. I was looking at buying a [new] flash. I was at the store and thought I would wait.
We both were laid off the next day. So glad I didn’t buy it. Looking forward to having resources to be more productive after this season.
- Chase
- Chase
Anthony Clementi
Nova Scotia, Canada

In the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, I have come to realize that the people in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that I have been painting since 2011 are more ubiquitous with each ensuing crisis. Little did I realize in 2011 that the shortage of PPE would be a crisis, itself.
It seems that since I started this series, each natural catastrophe has been made worse by human beings and inept governments that
It seems that since I started this series, each natural catastrophe has been made worse by human beings and inept governments that
wrongfully minimalize the situtation and resort to measures that are there not to address the problem, but to avoid responsibility, blame others, and sweep failures under the rug.
- Anthony
1. Taking Five, South Korea, Acrylic on Canvas, 30x40”, 2020.
2. Man in Red Poncho, Acrylic on Canvas 40x30”, 2020.
- Anthony
1. Taking Five, South Korea, Acrylic on Canvas, 30x40”, 2020.
2. Man in Red Poncho, Acrylic on Canvas 40x30”, 2020.
“Lurker” Lou Sarowsky
Cape Cod, MA

I always feel inspired to make new work when I come home to visit my mom. This time is strangely different, but hasn’t stopped my ongoing inspiration from nature and skateboarding.
With the way we’ve all been locked down, the stone wheel sculptures speak for themselves in the new world that we find ourselves in.
- Lou
Rolling Stones
- Lou
Rolling Stones