Colin Read & Glass Animals
Stuart, FL & London, UK
Music Video
To make the official video for Dreamland, we prepared and sent Glass Animals’ Dave Bayley everything he needed to shoot the music video himself, in his own apartment: a set to construct; lighting equipment; props to assemble; camera gear…along with 50 pages of precise instructions, photo glossaries, and diagrams for how to put it all together.
Shout out to Dave, who was an absolute champ, and dragged a dolly track up three flights of stairs (while we watched from the comfort of our own couches on video chat).
- Colin
Glass Animals - Dreamland
- Colin
Glass Animals - Dreamland
Antonio Alvarez
Irvington, NY

While isolated, keep your eyes on the prize.
- Antonio
Luke Malaney
Brooklyn, NY

Coincidentally, the commission I had going through quarantine was an Ash day bed for a client in Texas. During these times of social distancing and staying put, a piece like this is the perfect addition to one’s space.
However, since shipping, Texas has reopened it’s economy despite all the shit that’s going on. So hopefully the client has a brain and stays nice and cozy in his new day bed.
- Luke
- Luke
Chase Doerflinger
Austin, TX

We’ve been home, now, for sixty days. We just celebrated (my wife) Monica’s first Mother’s Day, plus it was her birthday, recently, and (my daughter) Vivian’s first birthday is this week. Three major events while in quarantine.
We delight in having extra moments together, but it’s not been without its major challenges and stresses. We’re also so sad that Viv has lost her playmates and can’t even go to the playground, and that she won’t have any friends with her for her first birthday.
It’s been difficult to adjust to having so much extra time at home, and practically no personal alone time—I’m writing this with Viv asleep in my lap.
We delight in having extra moments together, but it’s not been without its major challenges and stresses. We’re also so sad that Viv has lost her playmates and can’t even go to the playground, and that she won’t have any friends with her for her first birthday.
It’s been difficult to adjust to having so much extra time at home, and practically no personal alone time—I’m writing this with Viv asleep in my lap.
These photos have given me respite from the monotony of these home-bound days. They show the richness of life literally feet from my front door; be it the moon on a still night, the sunrise on days that Vivian is up before dawn, or a water hose dripping from filling up the baby pool.
Photography has helped me find joy and peace in this uncertain time and I’m grateful for my camera.
From my family to yours, please stay safe.
- Chase
Photography has helped me find joy and peace in this uncertain time and I’m grateful for my camera.
From my family to yours, please stay safe.
- Chase